When I filed to run for office in March, I couldn't have imagined what beautiful things I'd see in this state, in its people, in the generosity and passion and kindness so many have shown me. Every day I am humbled by how much people give to this campaign. I am humbled by the words of encouragement from people I pass on the street, by people who open their doors to talk about issues they care about, by students who come and spend spare hours on phones talking to strangers about me and what matters this election.
I'm humbled by those who gave time or any amount of money to keep this campaign strong so that we've been able to open offices across the district in Idaho Falls, Pocatello and Twin Falls. A few days ago we reached an important marking point. We exceeded the amount raised by all the Democratic challengers to Mike Simpson combined. And it will take that and more to win on November 6. But it is an important marking point and it shows why some of us have faith in what's possible in this state. It also shows how serious this campaign is.
We have so much to celebrate today. We have met goals I wasn't sure I'd be able to meet. It will take a few days to count but with the mail, the credit card donations and pledges into our offices, we think we will exceed what we thought possible for yesterdays deadline. Amazing.
I look around and every day I'm astounded by the creativity and hard work of my staff and particularly the field team, and the solid leadership of Ryan Hill, the let's get this done brilliance of Rialin Flores my finance director and the many of you who have talked to others or raised funds for me these past months by hosting house parties or calling and asking friends to give.
We have a month more now to raise what it will take to buy television and the last of our mail. So no, it's not over. I have more weeks of torturing you all with my asks for donations.
But last night proved we can do this. The total fundraising goal of our plan is within reach now. With new donors, more house parties, more generosity and creativity and passion, I know now that I can raise what it takes and run the kind of campaign it will take to win on November 6th -- to become Idaho's next Congresswoman. Thanks to you, I can say I know this now.
To all those willing to work hard for what matters to them, my deepest deepest thanks, You just continue to amaze me.
Just 5 weeks left. For me, no resting. Back to work. Again, thank you.
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